Should I Work For A Startup or A Tech Giant?

You might have established that you want to work for a Tech company. But what kind of tech company appeals to you? To help you narrow down your search, I've included some essential questions you might want to ask yourself when deciding what kind of company would be suitable for you:


- Does the idea of working in a nontraditional setting and solving new problems every day appeal to me?

- Do I want a self-directed role that will constantly change and evolve as the company does?

- Am I prepared to take on the risks and challenges of being involved with a new startup (i.e., business failure, low up-front compensation, long hours)?

Tech giant:

- Am I looking for financial stability and a strong career path with regular raises and promotions?

- Do I perform best when I'm in a structured environment with clear-cut processes and reporting lines?

- Am I willing to accept less credit and recognition within the company in exchange for access to greater resources, professional development and networking opportunities?

Still not sure if you should work for a startup or tech giant?

Check out this video!

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  1. It's one of things I'm considering when I graduate. Whether I should be working for a startup or tech giant and you gave good pointers for their differences. I think I'm gonna have to choose Startup! It's more fun!
